Město Bohumín

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Boating events and boat rentals

Boat rentals in Stary Bohumin  prepared the project partners' June - month of fellowship at the confluence of the rivers Odra and Olza ​​"which is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme CBC CZ-PL for 2007 - 2013 period. The partners include the city Bohumín and the Association Posejdon region of Cieszyn- Silesia and gmina Krzyżanowice, region of Silesia. In years 2009 and 2010, over 2500 paddlers used the boats in Bohumín. On the  boating event in June, named Plavidlo 2009, was baptized the Boating guide throughout both Odra meanders and Olza rivers with kilometers rating (near the confluence of both rivers). Meanders were locked on 28.09 2009, when the book Border meanders was baptized. Renting boats for the 2010 season was completed with two four-seat rafts within the project "The rivers divide, rivers join - build starting points for canoeists on both Odra and Olza rivers", which was financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the state budget and the budget of Bohumín. The starting point for boaters in Stary Bohumin is also the starting point  for routes Natural trails throughout meanders.


Operation of Boat rentals in 2013

In 2013, you can use again a boat rental in Stary Bohumin. On Saturdays and Sundays as well as public holidays (except mass boating events) there will at disposal for rent canoes, paddles and vests and newly bags and marine rescue throw bag. For boaters there will be available 8 plastic canoes, 2 inflatable canoes, 2 plastic three-seat canoes and 3 four-seat rafts. For those who like to view the beauty of the Oder river meanders , are organized both morning and afternoon runs.

  • When:  From 29 June to 29 September, 2013 (except for mass boating events) Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (water flow must be below 60 m3 / s).
  • Hour:  For the morning run renting boats at 9:00 a.m. in the Stary Bohumin, as for the afternoon run, renting boats at 14:00 p.m in the Stary Bohumin too. Submitting boats and equipment back no later than 2 hours after renting, nearby the bridge in Zabelkov.
  • Where:  Stary Bohumín, behind  the old border bridge, nearby the River Odra Management station
  • Contact:  Rental boats provide volunteer firefighters from Stary Bohumín. A boat booking is not performed. Boaters are governed by the following Organizational Regulations of boat rentals. Contact to a unit commander, phone 731 130 686. In case of rainy weather watermen are asked to check operating of the boat rental on the above mentioned phone number.


Organizational Regulations of boat rentals

  • The boat is rented only to a person who presents the ID card, subscribes to a list, where the signature validates approval with the organizational rules rentals (then mentioned " a waterman"). The boat is returned within 2 hours of renting at the target site.
  • The boat is rented only to watermen who honestly declare and prove by signature that can master and control the boat and are aware of security principles how to capsize the boat and rescue people over board, and that they are aware of their responsibility for their own safety and s safety of the crew.
  • The boat, paddles, boat bags and jackets are available free of charge (for a cash deposit of 1,000 CZK) in a case of loss of either the boat or equipment, the watermen are obliged to pay damages.
  • Persons under 18 years old can rent boats only with the consent of their legal representatives.
  • Watermen are aware that they sail throughout the natural monument Border meander, and respect the principles of the recommended behavior in meanders, in particular:
    - will not make a noise in meanders  and scare away nesting birds and other protected animals,
    - will not throw garbage in meanders 
    - will not approach to the steep shore, where kingfishers and sand martins are nesting,
    - will pass by on the opposite shore regarding ducks and basses with youngs nesting,
    - will not appear on the shore, especially on alluvial deposits and gravel bars, where little ringed plovers and sandpiper generals are nesting,will not appear on the shore, especially in places with fine sand, where  wolf spiders appear.
  • Watermen respect 10 Boaters Rules and other information from The Waterman guide on the Odra and Olza rivers  (The confluence of the Odra and Olza rivers).
  • Watermen usually sail in groups of at least two boats, which, if necessary, can assist and help each other.
  • In case of emergency, watermen may request the assistance of the organizer's car, whose mobile number is asked before departure  (usually 731 130 686).
  • For transport of one boat and people back to the starting point the organizers collect a rental fee of 100 CZK to cover fuel costs.
  • For transport of a raft is charged  amount of 200 CZK.
  • Booking of boats is not performed (except of mass boating events).


 A list of boats for rental

  • 1 - Sumec (Catfish) - red plastic canoe Tydra
  • 2 - Candát (Candy) - red plastic canoe Tydra
  • 3 - Bobr (Beaver) - red plastic canoe Tydra
  • 4 - Olza - blue inflatable canoe Baraka
  • 5 - Odra - blue inflatable canoe Baraka
  • 6 - Bogun - light blue plastic canoe Vydra Maku
  • 7 - Okoun (Perch) - light blue plastic canoe Vydra Maku
  • 8 - Štika (Pike) - light blue plastic canoe Vydra Maku
  • 9 - Rosnička (Tree Frog) - light blue plastic canoe Vydra Maku
  • 10 - Mamut - red plastic canoe Tydra
  • 11 - Ledňáček (Kingfisher) - red plastic canoe Viking
  • 12 - Skokan (Jumper) - dark blue plastic canoe Viking
  • 13 - Colorado - Colorado blue raft 360
  • 14 - Colorado - Colorado blue raft 360
  • 15 - Colorado - Colorado green raft 360
  • 16 - Colorado - Colorado blue raft 360
  • 17 - Potápka (Grebe) - red inflatable canoe Baraka
  • 18 - Volavka (Grey) - Red inflatable canoe Baraka 


Order of "stability" of boats

  1. raft Colorado 360 (the most stable)
  2. inflatable canoe Baraka
  3. plastic three-seat canoe Viking
  4. plastic two-seat canoe Tydra a plastic two-seat canoe Vydra (the least stable)




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